Intruder Tube Tying

Tying an Intruder Tube Fly

Intruder Tube Flies may be adapted for any predatory species, e.g. Pacific Salmon, Steelhead, Atlantic Salmon or Sea Trout. Illustrated below is a step-by-step tying sequence for a simple Black and Orange Sea Trout Intruder Tube Fly. The slim stainless steel needle tube has been left bare, creating an attractive silver body yet making for a very simply tied lure.

Intruder Tube Fly

Tying Materials

Tube: 35mm Needle Tube, 1.5mm diameter

Hackles: Orange Rooster hackle

Wing: Black Bucktail (or Squirrel) with a few strands of Krystal Flash

How to tie a Simple Intruder Needle Tube Fly

Simple Intruder Tube Fly Step 1

Sea Trout Intruder Step 1
Tie in a short base of thread 20mm from the head of the tube


Simple Intruder Tube Fly Step 2

Intruder Sea Trout Tube Step 2
Secure a hackle with a few turns of thread


Simple Intruder Tube Fly Step 3

Tying an Intruder Tube Fly Step 3
Wind a few turns of hackle, form a neat head and varnish


Simple Intruder Tube Fly Step 4

Tying an Intruder Tube Fly Step 4
Lay a short bed of tying thread at the head and tie in a sparse bunch of Bucktail (or Squirrel) underneath


Simple Intruder Tube Fly Step 5

Tying an Intruder Tube Fly Step 5
Tie in a second sparse bunch of Bucktail on top


Simple Intruder Tube Fly Step 6

Tying an Intruder Tube Fly Step 6
Tie in a few strands of krystal Flash (optional)


Simple Intruder Tube Fly Step 7

Tying an Intruder Tube Fly Step 7
Tie in a second orange hackle, form a neat head and varnish


Simple Sea Trout Intruder Needle Tube Fly

Black and Orange Sea Trout Intruder
Black & Orange Intruder Tube

The Intruder Tube Fly shown above is intended primarily for sea trout night fishing, although it may be fished successfully for salmon or steelhead. Colours, materials and tube size may be varied according to quarry, location, water and weather conditions, time of year and personal fancy to create a great variety of simple Intruder Tube Flies, examples of which are illustrated below.

click on an image to enlarge

Rigging an Intruder Tube Fly Hook

A hook, most commonly a single hook these days, may be attached to an Intruder Tube fly, or any tube fly, in several ways, as illustrated below.

See also

Intruder Tube Flies

Steelhead Tinglers