Photographic Gallery of Salmon, Sea Trout and Steelhead Needle Tube Flies
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Tube flies are now widely popular among fly tyers and fly fishermen, especially for salmon, sea trout and steelhead flies. Tubes of many types, sizes and materials are now available on which to dress a great variety of salmon flies. Ultra-slim stainless steel Needle Tubes were introduced in 2008 by Grays of Kilsyth in Scotland. Originally devised as a slim lure for late night sea trout fishing, they have since proven extremely effective for Atlantic salmon and steelhead too. A great benefit of the Needle Tubes is that they really require no body dressing, making their tying much simpler, as in most of the examples here. Shown below is a selection of photographs of Needle Tube Flies. They are dressed in a variety of styles which may be adapted for Atlantic salmon, Pacific salmon, steelhead or sea trout.
Scottish Shrimp Needle Tube Flies
Illustrated below is a selection of Scottish Shrimp Needle Tube flies, dressed on 15mm long Needle Tubes, Diameter 1.5mm.
A few simply dressed Tinglers ( Needle Tube Flies armed with a lightly dressed single hook). Tubes and hooks are interchangeable to easily alter the appearance of the fly.
Intruder Needle Tube Flies
The Intruder style of fly might be successfully adapted to tying on tubes. Below are some examples dressed on needle tubes of various lengths, from 25mm to 40mm.
Mini Intruders
The Intruder Flies shown below have been dressed on stainless steel Needle Tubes, length 25mm, diameter 1.5mm. The overall length of these tube flies is about one and a half inches (40mm), which, although not particularly small for Atlantic salmon flies, is small in terms of North American Intruder flies in common use for Pacific salmon and steelhead. They might then be thought of as “Mini Intruders”.
Minitube Flies
The Scottish Shrimps illustrated above are dressed on 15mm long needle tubes. The Intruder tube flies are dressed on needle tubes ranging from 25mm to 40mm in length. Tube flies may, of course, be dressed on longer or shorter tubes. Shown below are more needle tube flies dressed on short 10mm long tubes, to create a series of minitube flies.
Blackback Needle Tube Flies
As the name implies, the flies shown below are very simply dressed, with little more than a black hair wing of bucktail, squirrel, Arctic fox or goat hair, a sparse coloured hair underwing and a few hackle fibres applied to a stainless steel needle tube, diameter 1.5mm.
Sea Trout Night Needle Tubes
A few very simply dressed tube flies for night time sea trout fishing, dressed on 30mm long Nedle Tubes, 1.5mm diameter.