Tying a Wee Monkey Needle Tube Fly
Following on from the page about Scottish Shrimp Needle Tubes and the one on Tying a Cascade Scottish Shrimp Tube Fly , Illustrated below is a simplified tying sequence for a Wee Monkey Salmon Needle Tube Fly. As with the Scottish Shrimps, the dressing is very simple, with no need for a body dressing over the stainless steel tube. Only a few materials are required for the fly shown below, all of which are tied in at the head of the tube. Using a beard hackle, there is not even a need for a wound hackle, making this fly ideal for those just starting out in the art of fly tying.

Tube: 15mm stainless steel needle tube, diameter 1.5mm (length and diameter of tube may be varied)
Hackle: Hot orange rooster
Underwing: Sunburst Arctic Fox (or bucktail) with a few strands of Krystal Flash over
Wing: Black Arctic Fox
Overwing (optional): A few strands of straighter hair such as goat or squirrel on top of the fox wing, for greater definition. Peacock herl might also be used.

Jungle cock cheeks might be added if desired to create a “Wee Jungle Monkey”.

More Wee Monkey Needle Tube Flies
Colours and sizes may be varied according to taste and circumstance, as shown below.